
Last week I gave an introduction to OAuth2 (RFC6749) at Uppsala Tech Meetup. HamnCentralen was kind enough to host the event togheter with Johannes here at 46elks.

The topic of the talk was web development, and since I had already struggled quite a bit with OAuth, I sat down and properly read through RFC6749 to get a better understanding of the inner workings of OAuth2.

I made the decision to follow the basic "web application"-flow which allows developers of application to integrate their clients with OAuth2 so that they may either just make a simple "Sign-in with Google"-button or integrate their applications with thousands of APIs available with the OAuth2 flow.

My slides for the presentation may be downloaded below if you're speaking Swedish, or you can just go straight to the resources I used when I wrote my presentation.

Download slides (swedish)

OAuth2 Resources

Written 2015-09-28 12:00 by Emil Tullstedt